Thursday, January 12, 2012

Car battery?

What the different between car battery with battery water and without battery water (dry)?Car battery?
The plates in a battery need acid and water around them to work. W/o water it is a non-working battery. :)

There are "maintenance free" batteries that are the exact same kind as the ones whose tops can be removed except that you can't service them as they are sealed on the top.

I am assuming that you are asking about standard car batteries and not for electric cars etc.Car battery?
Water in a car battery is necessary for the chemical reaction required in order to produce electricity necessary to start the engine.It also bridges the physical space between the plates inside the battery container,allowing the flow of current to occur.

New batteries are shipped without water in them and therefore have no electrical charge.This is a safety precaution to prevent fires, explosions due to hydrogen gas build up and spillage of acid that is formed when the battery is in service.Car battery?
we call this the electrolytic in the battery and without it no reaction can take place which produces electricity. however, in a car battery the water is the electrolytic and in a dry- acid battery the jelly like substance is the electrolytic. lead or other metals give off free electrons producing electricity so overtime they must be replaced cas the metals break down and can no longer give off or absorb electrons. hope this helps
a battery with fluid in it has been pre-filled with acid, a dry battery has no fluid in it at the time of sale, and needs to be filled with acid before use.

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